Quierschieder Weg 38, 66280 Sulzbach anfrage@apm-telescopes.de

APM Professional Telescopes

APM Professional Telescopes

1m F/8 Ritchey Chrétien with dual Nasmyth Foci, Cape Town (South Africa)

Another large telescope for the South African Astronomical Observatory (SAAO). An 1m F/8 Alt-Az mounted Ritchey Chrétien for robotic use. It has dual Nasmyth Foci. The main telescopes used for research are located at the SAAO observing station (32°22.795’S 20°48,657’E) near Sutherland in the Northern Cape, a 4-hour drive from Cape Town.

FLI Filterwheels

Overview Kepler Filterwheels

Our FLI color filter wheel’s mechanical design provides the basis for stunning, uncompromising images. Each FLI color filter wheel is precision engineered with a highly accurate no-slip drive chain and stepper motor. The large diameter pivot pin and bushings are precision ground and matched for smooth, quiet no-fuss operation night after night. FLI color filter wheels do not use internal lights for homing, so your images are protected from stray light interference.

FLI filter wheels use only unmounted filters.

Overview Kepler Filterwheels

Overview Kepler Filterwheels



Selection Filterwheels for FLI Kepler cameras


CenterLine Dual Color Filter Wheel

CenterLine Dual Color Filter Wheel

CFW5-7 Wheel



CFW2-7 Wheel


Zero Tilt Adapter Video


APM Professional Telescopes

1m F/8 Ritchey Chrétien with dual Nasmyth Foci, Cape Town (South Africa)

Another large telescope for the South African Astronomical Observatory (SAAO). An 1m F/8 Alt-Az mounted Ritchey Chrétien for robotic use. It has dual Nasmyth Foci. The main telescopes used for research are located at the SAAO observing station (32°22.795’S 20°48,657’E) near Sutherland in the Northern Cape, a 4-hour drive from Cape Town.

Creative Contact Form

Contact Us
Feel free to contact us if you have any questions


APM Telescopes
Quierschieder Weg 38
66280 Sulzbach

Telefon: +49 (0)6897 - 924929-0
Fax:       +49 (0)6897 - 924929-9
E-Mail: info@apm-telescopes.de
WWW: https://www.apm-professional-telescopes.com