A fiber-fed spectroscope
The eShel spectroscope can work over a wide spectral range (390 to 700nm) at high resolution (R = 10,000). This is made possible by the use of multiple orders (in this case from 32 to 53); an Echelle spectrum reads “like a book”: the end of one order is found at the beginning of the next. We opted for a fiber-optic solution to increase the accuracy of radial velocity measurements (the instrument is separated from the telescope, if possible in a temperature-controlled room) and for greater user comfort.We have developed this instrument based on our experience with the Musicos and Narval professional spectroscopes.
Echelle spectroscopy
This technique achieves high spectral resolution by using the >30 diffraction orders of a grating. The resulting spectrum passes through a cross disperser, which “slices” the spectrum into successive orders, occupying the entire surface of the camera’s sensor. In this way, the entire spectral range in the visible spectrum is obtained over some twenty orders (in the case of the eShel).Schematic diagram of an Echelle spectrograph (© Christian Buil)
The eShel spectroscope
The main module generates the Echelle spectrum. It covers the spectral range from approx. 390 to 700 nm with >10000 resolution (with an ATIK 460 Ex camera in 2×2 binning not included). It has an FC/PC connector for attaching 50 µm object fiber.Spectrum of delta Sco (Be star). Note the H-alpha line in emission (click on image to enlarge). Canon 40D, 9 x 300 s, telescope 0,2m (C.Buil)The eShel spectroscope must be accompanied by the FIGU – Fiber Injection and Guiding Unit – (PF0008, for example), the calibration module (PF0012) and the two optical fibers: one for the target and the other for calibration. All these elements are included in the ES0006 “eShel complete system”.
Demetra software for eShel
Easy to use and free of charge, it runs under MS Windows, and accompanies you from spectra acquisition to data reduction. It enables remote control of the various modules (FIGU and calibration module).
Examples of raw spectra
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WR 140 and Nova Del 2013 1x600s SCT 0,35 m and ATIK 460EX bin 2×2 (Click to enlarge)
Example of time series of a pulsating star
Here’s a good example of evolution of a pulsating star (BW Vul, raw images, 5min exposures, 60cm f/3.5 telescope at Pic du Midi; ccd camera QSI516).
The BW Vul spectrogram over about 5h around the Sodium doublet:
- Resolution Power R = 10 000
- Spectral range covered: 390 to 750nm
- F/5 collimator
- FC connector for 50µm object fiber
- 85mm lens, max. 40mm mechanical backfocus
- eShel II spectroscope
- The base, for perfect stability
- The 85mm F/1.8 lens
- User guideUser guideUser guideUser guide
- Installation manual.
- Tutorial ISIS:
- Demetra Software
- High-resolution spectrum of variable stars
- Time series of the pulsating star (RR Lyr)
- Radial velocities calculation
- High-resolution solar spectrum
- Be stars survey
- Planetary nebulae
- Spectral classification of stars
- Classification of asteroids
- Lunar geology
- Planets composition
- Abundance measurement
- Novae
- RR Lyrae
- Herbig Ae/Be
- T Tauri
- Wolf Rayet
External links
- eShel review by Christian Buil: http://astrosurf.com/buil/eshel3/review.htm
- Exoplanets: http://astrosurf.com/buil/extrasolar/obs.htm
- tau Boo measure (and methodology): http://astrosurf.com/buil/tauboo/exoplanet.htm
- Regular monitoring of epsilon Aurigae: http://astrosurf.com/buil/star/epsaur/epsaur.htm
- Monitoring different stars: http://astrosurf.com/buil/star/index.htm
- Christian Buil’s study of RR Lyrae with an early prototype of the eShel spectrograph: http://astrosurf.com/buil/rrlyr/obs.htm
- Nova KT Eri (2009): http://astrosurf.com/buil/nova_eri2009/obs.htm
- V407 Cyg (outburst in 2010): http://astrosurf.com/buil/v407cyg/obs.htm
- Sodium on Io: http://astrosurf.fr/buil/io_sodium/obs.htm
- A typical night of observation: https://www.shelyak.com/dossier.php?id_dossier=71&lang=2
- eShel presentation on Meade 16″: http://gabalou.canalblog.com/archives/2012/09/09/25067889.html
DEMETRA software for spectrum acquisition and processing