Quierschieder Weg 38, 66280 Sulzbach anfrage@apm-telescopes.de

APM Professional Telescopes

APM Professional Telescopes

1m F/8 Ritchey Chrétien with dual Nasmyth Foci, Cape Town (South Africa)

Another large telescope for the South African Astronomical Observatory (SAAO). An 1m F/8 Alt-Az mounted Ritchey Chrétien for robotic use. It has dual Nasmyth Foci. The main telescopes used for research are located at the SAAO observing station (32°22.795’S 20°48,657’E) near Sutherland in the Northern Cape, a 4-hour drive from Cape Town.

Diffraction Limited CCD Kameras

Aluma CCD 695 a

Our most popular camera, the SBIG Aluma AC4040 is a large format Scientific CMOS camera, featuring a 16.8 megapixel sensor with 9 micron pixels.  The camera is compatible with the StarChaser SC-4 Guider and optional AO-X Adaptive Optics accessories.

Diffraction Limited Overview

Product enquiries

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Please make your enquiries about the products you require here. We will contact you as soon as possible with a customised quote.

Optolong Filters

Optolong filter adopts precision coating based on Ion-assisted deposition coating technology for durability and resistance to scratching, as well as stability on CWL(central wavelength) no deviation affected by temperature change.

Optolong Filters

SBIG Software

Maestro for Imaging Harmony MaxIm

maestroMultiple Camera Synchronization

Introducing MaxIm DL Maestro, a game-changing new capability for our Cyanogen Imaging® MaxIm DL Pro, the gold standard in astronomical image acquisition and processing software.

Maestro for Imaging Harmony

MaxIm DL Maestro synchronizes multiple simultaneous cameras under leadership of a primary imaging system. You will achieve results more quickly, and can substantially increase the number of images that can be taken per night. Drive your imaging productivity to new highs. 

How it Works

An observer or telescope operator designs an observation plan to take advantage of multiple imaging systems, sharing a common telescope mount. The primary imaging system is the leader, taking images and providing coordination to the subordinate image systems running their own imaging tasks. 

Maestro leads the subordinate players in concert, much as the conductor of an orchestra leads the musicians with their own instruments. Unlike a symphony conductor, it also performs its piece on the primary imaging system.

The lead imaging system runs MaxIm DL Pro with a Maestro server, and operates the standard complement of observatory equipment including camera, filter wheel, guider, mount, dome, etc.  Each additional Maestro client – a limited version of MaxIm DL Pro – operates a single additional camera and filter wheel.

Like a band leader, the Maestro server gives cues to all interested Maestro clients and checks that the slowest client is ready to move to the next part.   


Your Countless Possibilities

One-shot array of mono-band cameras

One camera for each unique band pass filter, such as a Hubble palette narrowband set (SII, Hα, OIII), or  one camera for Luminance, Red, Green, and Blue, on separate telescopes on a common mount.    

Array of identical offset cameras

Cover more sky at the same time for a wider field. Meteors, comets, wide field images or Space Situational Awareness applications may use this capability.  

Array of identical aligned cameras

Cover the same area of sky with more effective total aperture. These can be used in applications for deep discovery —similar to the Dragonfly Telephoto Array.

Array of dissimilar cameras

Trigger multiple cameras with unique capabilities, such as differing field size, quantum efficiency and spectral response. Use a piggybacked DSLR for wide field while using your telescope with your main camera.


Maestro can run multiple-instances of MaxIm DL Pro on the same computer. Do simultaneous B and V photometry with 2 cameras on twin telescopes on a shared mount.

Networked Nano Computers

Maestro can run instances on subordinate computers connected using TCP/IP networking. Use a nano-PC for each camera and instance.

What you need to get started

MaxIm DL Maestro is an upgrade to the next level of MaxIm DL Pro software. You need Maxim DL Pro for your main camera and guide camera, and then add a Maestro Server license to control one additional imaging camera. If you need more than 2 imaging cameras, add Maestro Client licenses for cameras 3 and beyond.

The minimum hardware configuration would require 2 imaging cameras, in addition to the guider on the lead system, and sufficient PC resources to run 2 instances of MaxIm DL Pro, in addition to your other software. When running multiple identical cameras, the driver must support configuring which camera is to be used for each instance.  Maestro does not control multiple mounts.

APM Professional Telescopes

1m F/8 Ritchey Chrétien with dual Nasmyth Foci, Cape Town (South Africa)

Another large telescope for the South African Astronomical Observatory (SAAO). An 1m F/8 Alt-Az mounted Ritchey Chrétien for robotic use. It has dual Nasmyth Foci. The main telescopes used for research are located at the SAAO observing station (32°22.795’S 20°48,657’E) near Sutherland in the Northern Cape, a 4-hour drive from Cape Town.

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Contact Us
Feel free to contact us if you have any questions


APM Telescopes
Quierschieder Weg 38
66280 Sulzbach

Telefon: +49 (0)6897 - 924929-0
Fax:       +49 (0)6897 - 924929-9
E-Mail: info@apm-telescopes.de
WWW: https://www.apm-professional-telescopes.com

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