Quierschieder Weg 38, 66280 Sulzbach anfrage@apm-telescopes.de

APM Professional Telescopes

APM Professional Telescopes

1m F/8 Ritchey Chrétien with dual Nasmyth Foci, Cape Town (South Africa)

Another large telescope for the South African Astronomical Observatory (SAAO). An 1m F/8 Alt-Az mounted Ritchey Chrétien for robotic use. It has dual Nasmyth Foci. The main telescopes used for research are located at the SAAO observing station (32°22.795’S 20°48,657’E) near Sutherland in the Northern Cape, a 4-hour drive from Cape Town.

ASA Telescopes

ASA600 with DDM200

ASA600 OTA is the perfect fit for the ASA direct drive mounts with absolute encoders. As all ASA telescopes the ASA600 is equipped with quartz glass optics from ASA.


Product enquiries

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Please make your enquiries about the products you require here. We will contact you as soon as possible with a customised quote.

FLI Filterwheels


The CenterLine's unique dual carousel design with central aperture has long been the filter wheel of choice to avoid telescope balance issues. Typically one position in each carousel is empty, providing 8 usable positions.


FLI Cameras

Atmospheric dispersion corrector

Atmospheric dispersion corrector


Lenght 35mm
surface accuracy Better L/10 at 633 nm
Unobstructed diameter 17mm
Connectingthread on both sides T2 (M42x0,75)
Coating AR-couting: 340-900nm
The dispersion corrector is a component that corrects the refraction of light in the atmosphere. Simply explained, you often see colour fringes on bright low objects when observing with the telescope. Large or bright objects such as Jupiter, Venus and Sirius have a red and blue colour fringe and also appear distorted near the horizon. This effect is caused by the refraction of light in the atmosphere and is called atmospheric dispersion. The atmosphere acts like a prism here and fans out the incoming light beam into its spectral components. This effect is stronger the lower the object is above the horizon.

Using the ADK is very simple. With the multi-function dial, both the direction of the dispersion (zenith) and the strength of the correction can be set. In the zero position of the dispersion, a small mechanical detent can be felt. This makes it very easy to find the neutral position. The maximum correction is reached after one turn. After a further turn, there is again no correction in the neutral position. If you continue to turn, the maximum correction in the opposite direction is reached after one turn and the initial position after another turn. The adjusting wheel must always point in the direction of dispersion.

The special feature of this model:

  • Lenses are made of quartz
  • No image shift
  • No axis coma or astigmatism
  • 100% made in Germany



APM Professional Telescopes

1m F/8 Ritchey Chrétien with dual Nasmyth Foci, Cape Town (South Africa)

Another large telescope for the South African Astronomical Observatory (SAAO). An 1m F/8 Alt-Az mounted Ritchey Chrétien for robotic use. It has dual Nasmyth Foci. The main telescopes used for research are located at the SAAO observing station (32°22.795’S 20°48,657’E) near Sutherland in the Northern Cape, a 4-hour drive from Cape Town.

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Feel free to contact us if you have any questions


APM Telescopes
Quierschieder Weg 38
66280 Sulzbach

Telefon: +49 (0)6897 - 924929-0
Fax:       +49 (0)6897 - 924929-9
E-Mail: info@apm-telescopes.de
WWW: https://www.apm-professional-telescopes.com

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